How-to Replace Your Portable Shelter Cover Before Winter

If this season was the first time you enjoyed all of the benefits of owning a portable shelter on your property, now is a great time to start thinking about how to care and maintain the dwelling through the winter months.

Depending on where in the nation you live, winters can be pretty harsh. From extreme winds and heavy snowfalls to several inches of heavy ice – there are many things that could potentially cause damage to your portable shelter.

Protect your belongings by taking a few extra steps to withstand the integrity of the structure.

Check Grounding

Start at the ground level by ensuring that your portable shelter is anchored well into the ground and that sufficient draining is in place. The cover should be pulled taut and safely secured to the frame. If it is not, you will need to perform these steps again to ensure stability and survival through the harsh winter months.

Look for Weak Spots

While securing the tarp, be sure to also survey the portable shelter parts for any wear and tear. If there is any rust or worn patches in the cover this could lead to a collapse in the winter months from heavy snowfalls. Take care of these issues in advance of inclement weather – you’ll be glad you did.

Replace the Cover

Even if you don’t see any gaping holes in the cover, you might want to replace it before the winter or use a patch kit to stop the tear from spreading. Replacement covers should always be purchased to fit the dwelling snuggly and should be made of the same high-quality material recommended by the manufacturer. If you want to extend the lifespan of your portable shelter and the items it’s covering, then choosing a quality replacement cover from a retailer you trust is key.
Shop Shelters of America for a wide variety of shelter types kits and accessories needed to maintain your portable shelter.