Caring for Portable Shelters in the Winter Months

While you might be able to get away with leaving your portable shelter set up all year round, it's not necessarily a good idea if you live in areas where inclement weather happens. For one thing, there are elements of this type of weather that can damage or destroy your portable shelter without warning. Also, when you leave it out in the elements for too long pests such as mice or other rodents might find their way inside and make themselves at home instead of somewhere else.
Here are some tips for keeping your portable shelters safe throughout winter:

4 Tips to Protect Portable Shelters from the Elements

  • Ensure that your shelter is completely dry before you put it away for the winter.
  • Use a tarp or canvas drop cloth to protect it from the elements.
  • Make sure that you are keeping your portable shelter out of direct sunlight, as this will cause it to break down faster than normal.
  • Store your portable shelter in a dry place with low humidity levels and air circulation.

What To Do When it Snows

One of the biggest problems with the winter season is snow. When it falls - especially a large accumulation, it's important to ensure there is no damage and that you're clearing it off in time. You should also think about preventing frost from building up inside your portable shelter.
If you're storing it away for the season you'll also need to make sure it is covered properly. Although there are various ways of covering a shelter, such as using tarps or cardboard boxes with holes poked into them, our preferred method involves covering your entire structure with plastic sheeting and sealing its seams with duct tape or some other similar material (such as packing tape). This will protect both the interior of the tent itself as well as any items stored within it from becoming damaged by moisture buildup due to condensation caused by cold temperatures outside.

Fixing a damaged portable shelter

If you find that your portable shelter has been damaged, (tears and leaks), especially in the seams and joints, you should treat it first with water-resistant tape or sealant before proceeding to other steps. You may need to either replace damaged parts with new pieces. If you need help finding the right size of replacement part, use measurements taken from your current equipment so you get an accurate fit.

Make sure your portable shelter is being properly taken care of.

When you have a portable shelter, you're responsible for making sure it's being taken care of in the right way so that it will last. If you're not storing or using the shelter properly, there could be problems later on down the line. If storing away in the winter, make sure that the location stays dry and free from humidity. If you'll leave it erected you also need to keep a watchful eye on its condition and do anything you can to relieve stress and weight from the dwelling so it remains strong and able to be used next season.


The winter months can be harsh on a portable shelter. If you’re not careful, it could become damaged or even ruined by the elements. It is important to maintain your portable shelter so that it lasts for years and years to come.
Shop Shelters of America for a wide selection of high-quality portable shelters.